Thursday, February 28, 2008

Why Do We Run?

Why do you run, why do you hide, don't you know I
just want to be with you.

Looking down from above as you watch TV
Wondering why you're ignoring me
Do you remember when I came to you
And you loved me
I'm waiting for you

Whatever happened to the love you had for me
When you first came to me
Don't you know that I died so I could be with you
I'm waiting for you

Find a place of solitude, and I'll speak to you
As you pray to me
Don't you know I'm waiting here, waiting for you to
read and hear my words
I'm waiting here missing the times we shared so
please come to me

Modified Lyrics of "Run" by Kutless

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Well Said Mr. Lewis

You never know how much you really believe anything
until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.

It is easy to say you believe a rope to be strong and sound
as long as you are merely using it to cord a box.

But suppose you had to hang by that rope over a precipice.
Wouldn’t you then first discover how much you really trusted it?

Only a real risk tests the reality of a belief.

C.S. Lewis

Monday, February 25, 2008


Proverbs 3: 5&6 is my all time favorite verse.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." So check it out... First off He asks us to trust Him. With all the crap that goes on in our world who else should we trust? Can we trust? Jesus Christ is the only constant we can trust. Then how much should we really trust him? Just trust him with what you can see or touch or be in control of, that's what most of us do anyway. That's what I do sometimes. No. He says trust Me with "all" of your heart, not just what you or I can be in control of, what kind of real trust is that? Here's the kicker for me..."lean not on your own understanding..." So we are supposed to trust Him, even when things don't make sense to us? Yes! A resounding yes!! Sorry but that just doesn't make sense does it? Of course not, that's what real trust is all about. When you worked your butt off and your job didn't pan out, or that person you thought was "the one" wasn't. He wants you to trust Him when you are down and out, and things don't make any sense at all. He tells us "in all your ways acknowledge me, and I will make your paths straight." In laymens terms, He tells us give it up to Me, all of it, He knows everything, even the end of the story. He wants to comfort us and help us even when it doesn't make sense. How much do you really trust Jesus Christ? I know that if you really honestly give it up to Him and trust that he knows what He's doing. Things will work out for his will. Don't get me wrong here, i'm not saying it will be a bed of roses, sometimes quite the opposite. Sometimes he stretches us to our limits to see how much we trust. How great is our faith when we can't see around the corner? So just do it no matter how tough it gets. Trust in Him with "all" your heart. Reach out and take his outstretched hand. He deeply desires you today.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Get off your butt-Get in the game

Get Offensive!

Are you happy with the church life you lead right now? comfy, not to oppressive, or intrusive? Just kind of a warm fuzzy type of feeling. Is God at a nice safe distance where you can call him if you need Him, but hopefully he won't tell you to do something you don't feel like doing? Or if he does, maybe just ignore him, and maybe he will go away. Or are you ready to get off your butt, and start doing something for Him? Let the Holy Spirit get creative in you. He's been tugging at you forevever now to get out there. Jesus doesn't say "hey, why don't you think about going out and talking to people about me when it's comfortable and in your timing" No! he says one word. He says to "GO" Not think about it, not pray about it, not wait for the right time, but just flat out GO! Are you a light, or a light under a bowl, are you fresh salt or salt that has no flavor? Do you see a homeless man on the corner and hope he gets a meal or a coat that day? That hope means nothing unless you act on it! Faith without deeds aint jack! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. We talk a big story and do nothing. We complain about alot, but do nothing. You can't make a difference if your on the bench. You have to get in the game to make a difference. At what point will you get in the game? There is no yesterday or tommorrow, today is all that counts. If you want to make a difference it's going to messy, get offensive, not comfy! Do you think Jesus was in people's faces! He caused comotion, unrest, and made people squirm and get uncomfortable. If your not uncomfortable, then your probably not doing anything. So fool everyone else on sunday, but dont' think your'e fooling Him. Get in the game! Help an orphan, help a homeless person, help a widow, a friend, someone in need. Something is better than nothing.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow keeps on coming!

We have had about 20" of snow here in Bend this last week. The kids were out of school yesterday because of it. Rarely is school cancelled because of snow. So...we took advantage of it and figured out some ways to have fun with a foot and a half of snow.