Monday, June 30, 2008

SBS Question of the Week (my belated answer)

How do we look different from the world according to our faith in Jesus Christ?

Unfortunately, many "Christians" don't look any different from the world. They just blend right in. In a long answer gone short, I would have to say by our love. I know that's a churh-ey sounding answer, but that is what Christ wants us to convey to others. What is the "love" that Christ describes? Check out 1st Corinthians. You, know, love is patient, love is kind... Unfortunately the great deceiver is out there knowing how to supply "counterfeit" love to those who seek acceptance. Draw close to God and you will look and feel different. And that my friends is a cool thing.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Journey to East Lake

Today Journey journeyed to East Lake. We went to help out Dave & Kathy Jones. Freinds of ours from church who own the resort. We got 1/34 buildings painted before we ran out of paint. All in all a good time was had by...well...all! Here is a slideshow of some pics from today. Kudos and thank you's all the way around for everyone who pitched in and helped.

37 pics in all

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Who Cares FRIDAY!

Today's feature post is on Cow Tipping! Cow tipping is an art in itself. For years many have engaged in this heightening activity. Young children dream of it during their algebra classes, sort of like a rite of passage. It began many years ago, when a young boy of the name of Tipper McCoy decided to make a cow more comfortable as it slept. Thinking that standing while sleeping was cruel and unusual, he set out one night to give 'ol Betsy a rest. Tragically, Tipper fell into a thick cow pie as he tried making his way back to his warm bed. He ended up going to the hospital with a severe paranoia of cows.

Here are some suggestions of what NOT to do while tipping a cow.

Do not wear red. Bulls are in the area.

Do not tug on the tail to check on sleeping status.

Do not make "moo" sounds. This only aggravates them.

Do not try to ride the cow like a horse.

Do not try to milk the cow.

Do not make friends with the cow. Remember, you are there to TIP the cow, not buy it a drink.

Do not eat a burger in front of the cow.

Other Suggestions

If the fence is making a buzzing sound, do not attempt to cut.

If the fence is making a buzzing sound do NOT attempt to relieve yourself on it.

Make sure you bring the good truck. This is supposed to be done quietly. Do not have a truck that backfires like a rifle. Cows will awaken.

Make sure it IS a cow. If it has horns, and no udders, Back off with caution.

Wear high boots, not flip flops.

Who Cares?!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Absolute Faith

SBS question of the week presented by Mr. Jack Collins. Alias Sgt. of arms.

Is it possible for us to have absolute faith? What can, or better yet should, we do to help us come as close as humanly possible to absolute faith?

This is really a great question! This is my second time writing my answer, and I've done a complete 180. Yes! I do think it's possible to have absolute faith. Absolute by definition is pure, perfect, unquestionable, unmitigated. I may not have the faith to walk on water like Peter did, but I had faith enough to believe that Jesus is the Christ and ask Him to be my personal savior. (that's about as good as any place to get an Amen!) To help us come closer to absolute faith we need to believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus is who He says He is. We need to be doers not just listeners. We need to step out of our comfort zones and let God show us trials that we can only overcome through our faith (real faith) in Him.

James 1:2&3 says - Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

James 2 :14 says - What good is it , my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Who Cares FRIDAY!

Confused? Don't worry. This week this post of Who Cares FRIDAY is for us men. I have some facts that if as men you arent' aware of...this will be invaluable information. You see, men and women communicate in different languages Hunh?!? LOL. Here are some key phrases that you should know. What's taken me years of trial and error (because I'm married) I am passing on to you to learn quickly and effectively.

A Translation Manual

It's your decision = "The correct decision should be obvious by now."
Do what you want = "You'll pay for this later."
We need to talk = "I need to complain."
We need = "I want"
I'm not upset = "Of course I'm upset, you moron!"
You're so manly = "You need a shave and you sweat a lot."
This kitchen is so inconvenient = "I want a new house."
I heard a noise = "Get up and see what it was."
Do you love me? = "I'm going to ask for something expensive."
How much do you love me? = "I did something today you're really not going to like."
I'll be ready in a minute = "Ill be ready in 30 minutes."
What's wrong? Nothing = "Everything."
Fine = "Definately not fine"
How about going out for dinner? = I didn't make anything, I forgot"
I'm really tired tonight = " Your'e not getting any tonight"

Who Cares?!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stuck in Neutral?

The question this week for the SBS was given to us by Mr. Holiday. The question is this.

My question, dear friends, is twofold: can to much of a morally neutral thing be eternally bad; and are there morally neutral things in your personal life that Christ is asking you to get rid of, or remove - things he just wants out, even though there is nothing evil about it?

Morally neutral. Hmmm. Let me break this into two parts, then bring them together. What is moral or morality? It is a barometer used to gauge right and wrong, or good and evil. Neutral, to me, is going nowhere, spinning my wheels and not moving, not engaged if you will. So now put the two back together, and I think moral neutrality means you are neither good or bad, just copacetic, or doing nothing.

So are there morally neutral "things" or moral neutrality in my life that God wants me to get rid of or change? A resounding yes. For me wiping out moral neutrality would be to engage Christ. Example. Don't be complacent and comfortably numb as the Pink Floyd song says. If you had and employee, would you want them to just punch the clock each day and go through the motions? Would you be happy with that? Of course not, just as Christ doesn't want us to be complacent. Oh we're not necessarily doing anything bad, but not good either. Stuck in neutral. Morally neutral that is. Engage Jesus Christ and get in gear.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

5 for 50

Our small group was killer tonight. It's obvious to see the Spirit moving in the heart of these young adults. It's exciting to see how Jesus is working and changing lives. One thing we discuss is how we should get off our butts and actually do something and not just flap our mouths and try to impress others. Usually our Christian friends. Well, I would like to throw down a challenge to anyone so inclined. I have a friend,Tom Davis. Tom is an esteemed author who has written some excellent books. One of those books is called Red Letters. Read it. He is the president of an organization called Children's Hopechest. They work with orphaned children in Russia, Africa, and places around the world. Some starving, some with AIDS, some with seemingly no hope.

Check out one of his campaigns called 5 for 50. Here is a chance for you to step up and help someone. To read some of the stories that are posted on Tom's blog will make you tear up, and also realize how great we really do have it here, and all of our bitchin' and moanin' really falls on deaf ears to the rest of the world.

I hope if after you peruse the links in this post, you too will be moved. If the Holy Spirit so moves you, then help out in whatever way you feel led. If some of the stories don't tug at your heart strings , then you better check your pulse. At the very least you will be aware of what's going on and can pray. There is power in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Who Cares FRIDAY

We (I) have changed the name of the Friday post to "Who Cares FRIDAY" because it may not always be facts. It may be some stupid useless information I've discovered and want to post it anyway. You might say wow! but "who cares?" Hence the name "Who Cares FRIDAY" BTW, great comments on "negligent" twister last week. I for one will refrain from playing twister without a helmet from now on.

So without further ado, here is a plethora of useless information just for you.

1. On average, there are 333 squares of toilet paper on a roll. (count em, I dare you)

2. The numbers on opposite sides of a die always add up to 7.

3. Approximately sixty circus performers have been shot from cannons. At last report, thirty-one of these have been killed. (scratch that off my list of to-do's)

4. Pentheraphobia is a fear of a mother-in-law.

5. The ZIP in zip code stands for "Zone Improvement Plan."

6. A theater manager in Seoul, Korea felt that The Sound of Music was too long, so he shortened it by cutting out all the songs. (smart)

7. The average airspeed of the common housefly is 4 1/2 mph. (how do you...nevermind.)

8. If you passed gas consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of anatomic bomb. (research stats from N. Korea)

9. Celery has negative calories. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. (is that counter productive?)

10. There are only 18 countries richer than Bill Gates.

1. Grab a calculator (you won't be able to do this one in your head)
2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area code -- example: 555-976-5555 -- you'd use "976"
3. Multiply by 80
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number (e.g. 5349)
7. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2.

(Who cares!!?)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What Does It Look Like When My Experiences and God's Word Collide?

Deep and intriguing inaugural question for the SBS. Especially originating from a man who goes by the name of "Tuff Pants" As I pondered this question throughout the day, a thought came to me this evening, a revelation if you will. The question in and of itself is somewhat of a paradox, as our experiences and God's Word collide on a continual basis. Thus the question "what's it like" is one of a perpetual experience that we encounter in our every day existence. We need to recognize this and act according to God's desires. For me personally, it can be tragic, or glorious depending on how I perceive God's Word at that moment. Tragic in the sense, that I engage in selfish pride and shun God's Word, glorious in the sense that I recognize Him for who and what he is and revel in His awesome wonder. My life experiences unfortunately fall on both sides of this proverbial fence. However; when I try to decieve myself of my experiences and perform a balancing act it must throw chills down God's spine. The scale should swing to the side of joy and security in Jesus. I become neither hot or cold, but balanced precariously somewhere in the middle. God spits out the lukewarm - the person trying hard to balance in the middle and please both man and God. One thing is for sure...when I see Christ as Christ, my experiences become supernaturally charged. We are always experiencing a collision, how we embrace it is our choice.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Not Of This World

Our small group last night was awesome! We are going through 1st John, and it's amazing how it ties in with what Keith is teaching on Sundays at Journey. Here is a snippet of a few verses that stood out last night.

1John 2:15-17
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions is not from the father, but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever. ESV

Jesus commands (not suggests) for us to go out into the world and get into the world. At the very end of the book of Matthew (vs. 19) he says "GO." What I'm saying here is engage the world, but not its desires. You see if we are the salt and the light, what good are we around other salt and other light? We just blend right in. But if we go somewhere where the light is dim and the salt is bland...we stand out. For Jesus. Be in the world, not of this world. How cool is it to think we abide in God. Forever.