God is good! Wow, what an incredible understatement. Last night I lethargically showed up at Journey. Tired and grumpy from camping at East Lake over the weekend, I came with no great expectations. Thinking I would just go through the motions and go home. Well, a funny thing happened. The Holy Spirit showed up and stole the show. While we were praying before Journey started, I sensed something change in me. I started to get excited about what the night might hold. Our "Journey moment" turned out to be the launching point for the Holy Spirit. There were three people who shared a great experience with the Lord over the weekend. But the one that was just stinkin awesome was Mike's story. Mike led his best friend to the Lord in Nebraska, and he was the first to cross off a name on the prayer board! For me, that was what it's all about. It was so awesome to see Mike get so emotional over what had happened with his best friend. To cross a name off the prayer board with a bright red marker signifies that Mike's best friend is no longer lost, but is now going to dance with Jesus in heaven! He is a brother in Christ now. What an awesome thing.
To top it off, "rev." Keith was back and delivered as always a great message. We took communion, worshiped the King, and finished off the night praying and singing. It was a great night. The diversity of the people make me smile. We are not a church, we are "the" church. It's so cool to see the "body" all come together. Old, young, homeless, hurting, scared, abused, confused, unsure, all of it. Yes...God is good!