Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fish Guts & Disobedience

Lately I've been intrigued by Jonah.  You know the guy that got sucked up by a big fish, then puked back up on the beach.  Imagine looking for shells and looking up and seeing that!   But really, this is the story about someone who heard what God was saying, and decided to run.  He knew loud and clear what God was telling him to do, but wanted absolutely no part of it, so he ran and hid from God.  Or so he tried.  You can't really "hide" from God.  And you can't really tell Him no thank you.  He will be heard, and He will have the final say.  Jonah came to his senses after three (very long) days in a stinky old fish belly.   He probably didn't get a lot of sleep, and had plenty of time to plead with God and realize his lack of obedience.  God spared his life, and Jonah went on to Nineveh.  A place he hated, and wished God would punish for what it had become, instead of giving them a second chance.  The story continues and has Jonah prophesying to the Ninevites, and over 120,000 DO repent!  

Are you running from God?  Is there something you have flat out told Him No!  Let this be a lesson to all of us to listen and heed God when He calls.  I doubt we will get swallowed by a big stinky fish, but he could get our attention in many other ways.  You can decide what that might be.  We are all Jonah-vites, and run from God.  Don't we?   
What's your Nineveh?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How Dare You Say Christmas!

Well, it's that time of year again, and it wouldn't be complete without the usual annual Christmas bashers.  I know, it's ridiculous, but it happens every year.  And seemingly every year it gets worse, and we become increasingly calloused towards the Christ bashers.  I've become more numb to the ramped up anti Jesus sentiment, and as I reflect on Christmas, it just pisses me off to see how our society is so dumbed down by the media and all the squeaky wheels.  For example.  The Holiday Tree.  It's a freakin Christmas Tree!  What other holiday do you specifically put your tree up for?  If there was not a Christmas, would you put it up for New Years?  You don't put it up before Thanksgiving, unless you're some kind of compulsive Christmas gnome or something.  So really, it is a "Christmas" tree.  

Also, what day does everyone (except JW's) celebrate?  December 25th.  Right?!  What does your calendar say for December 25th?  Christmas?  Duh?  Is it offensive to say Merry Christmas?  No.  Not unless you have some real character issues.  If someone says Happy Kwanzaa, or Happy Hanukkah, I don't go crying to my mom, or call the newspaper with complaints of unfairness, or offensive-ness.  Grow up!  

Well, some people don't believe in the birth of Jesus.  But they still open their presents on December 25th and say "good morning kids!  Merry Holiday!"  Come on, give me a break.  Now my kids have "winter break" and "winter or holiday pageants."  I get offended when my kids have to watch a certain movie of read a certain book at school.  But I don't dress up like an idiot and storm city hall, or dig a cave and hide out with a full supply of can goods.  It doesn't surprise me, but it frustrates me.  So this Christmas season, when your sucking on one of those delicious candy canes...enjoy it!  Open your presents, have a great day!  But also remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.  Use yourself and your children to be a light and a sounding board for Jesus this year.   It's a birthday celebration for baby Jesus.  Don't let anyone bring you down this year.  Smile and love on them and tell them Merry "stinkin" Christmas!  

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Do You Really Believe What You Really Believe?

Jesus.  This post starts with Jesus, because everything should start with Him.  
This week my faith was tested big time.  I'm not talking about the faith that comes from being pretty sure something is going to happen, but the kind where you just say - there's no freakin way this can happen.  Like the Cubs winning the world series!  Or Ted Kennedy turning Republican! Just can't happen.  This week is a testament to the power of our God and one souls unshakable faith. This post goes out with a fist pound and a double high five to my Jesus, because he rocks!!

The beginning of the week I needed a large sum of money to pay an even larger business bill.  The beginning of the week started with no work on the books.  (We have a home inspection business) On Monday my wife (killer lady) and I got on our knees and prayed, and prayed, and prayed some more.  I fasted that day.  Monday afternoon I got a call to do a job.  A big job! Paid alot of money in one day. The next day I had an inspection scheduled and got a call the night before from the realtor who said they had to cancel the inspection for tomorrow.  Our client lost her job that day.  When it rains it pours.  The next day I got a call to do another job.  And on Friday afternoon I got a call from a realtor asking if I could do a job on Saturday.  Are you kidding me!  The night before we had just sold my wife's snowboard and boots on craigslist.  Do you see God working here people!?  This evening I totalled up the dollars for the week, and we had 60 dollars extra!  Understand that this is happening in December.  Traditionally the worst month of the year for us.  Tell me there's not a God in heaven, and I'll tell you we don't have a black man for president.  Un-stinkin-believable.  Want more?

We went to write our tithe check tonight also.   When we figured the total.  We had 2 dollars left over in that account!  Can you hear me jumping up and down!  Oh, we serve a mighty and awesome God.   I believe with all of my heart completely that there is nothing Jeus can't do.  I really do beleive that.  If you really believe what you really believe, you will have that mustard seed. Thank you to all who threw up their prayers this week.  Thank you.

Friday, December 5, 2008

I am Thankful

I am thankful for the roof over my head.

I am thankful for the food in my cupboards.

I am thankful that no one can take my car away.

I am thankful for clean water.

I am thankful for my wife.

I am thankful for my awesome kids.

I am thankful that my family is going to heaven someday.

I am thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ.

and mostly, I am thankful for Jesus Christ.