Why don't we see the Holy Spirit moving in our churches like the churches in Acts? He came as a rush of wind, powerful and mighty. Unseen, yet His force was like no other. Acts 2:2 Is His work done? Are there enough churches and mega churches that He feels He isn't needed anymore? Could it be that WE feel we don't need Him? Or that we don't believe those miracles exist today, and were only for the Bible? Could be. Probably more truth in that than we are ready to admit. Our society is a me society and we think we got it handled, and can figure it out ourselves. Holy Spirit? That guy only did His miracles in the "old" days!
The Holy Spirit is still as alive and powerful today as ever. We just don't tap into Him. What's that you say? We do? Not really. I think if we did, we would see amazing results. We have things today so structured, that we try to "fit" God in when our schedules allow. Usually it's the scraps, or the filler time that He gets. The deity of Christ has unlimited potential, and we are satisfied with just the basics, and wonder why we don't see more miracles in today's day and age. It's the lack of faith, the lack of obedience, and the lack of priority. The God of today is the same as the God of yesterday, we are the ones who have changed. I think it's still possible to see a modern day Pentecost, but we as Christ followers need to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit first. We need to have the same faith as Peter or Paul, and preach like Peter and Paul. They weren't afraid of being persecuted! In fact Peter relished it when he was let out of prison. Acts 5:41
I think it's possible if we start to preach the truth. And believe.