Monday, February 8, 2010

Cheapskate Christian

The bible tells us as Christians to tithe 10% of our first fruits. In today's world that means 10% of our income. Debates arise as to whether or not that is 10% of gross, or net, or everything, or just money, blah blah blah, and the debate rages on. Should it be for my church, or can it be a combination of my church, and a charity, or my grandmothers cat's vet bill etc. You get the picture. Regardless you have to ask yourself if you are tithing 10% of your income. Are you tithing 5%? 2%? Anything at all. Maybe it's a token $20 when a powerful speaker tugs on your heart strings and you feel compelled (or guilty) to give something for their cause.

Here are few interesting things I have read regarding the Christian giver / penny pincher. In the year 2000, only 2% of church members were giving 10% of their earnings to the church. Pathetic huh? During the great depression that number was 3.3%. Yeah, it was higher. It seems the more we have, the more we want to hold on to it. The more we need, the more we give. Typically a little over 10% of the church members give 80-90% of the money to their respective churches. That's really stepping it up all you Sunday seat warmers. You know, it would seem to me that if you loved Jesus, you would love the church. And if you don't love the church, then you don't love Jesus. You know, the bride and groom thing. It's a relational concept.

Here's a simple formula with an astounding effect. Take 100 committed adults in a church. That's all there is at this hypothetical church. It's hypothetical, because I can't think of a church that would do this. And each of them makes, oh, lets say $40K a year. They love Jesus, and the mission of their church, and they tithe regularly 10% of their wages. Now do the math. 100 committed, sold out members each giving 10%, which is $4K a year. What does that equal? $400,00! All of this from only 100 members! If you really want to have fun add another 100 or 200 committed people. What if the 100 only gave 5% or even a measly 2%? That's still $80K a year! Now I'm not concerned with how much money the church could make, it's not a contest, but think what could be done with that money for the mission of the church. For the mission of Jesus. Too many scenarios for me to list, so I'll let you dream up something yourself.

Bottom line is we are told by Christ to tithe. It's also the only place in the Bible where He says "test me". We have personally in our house, and He hasn't disappointed. In fact He's amazed us.

Like the commercial says..."What's in your wallet?"

Monday, February 1, 2010

"Pure" Religion

James 1:27 states that "pure and undefiled religion" or some translations say "faulty religion". So we have religion, or better yet, a type of religion that is pure - undefiled - one that God himself accepts. That tells me that the flip side of the coin represents a "faulty" or "defiled" religion... and that all religion is not good. So what is it? What type of religion should we be striving for to be in Christ's favor? Well he describes it about as clear as crystal. "To care for the widows and orphans in their distress." I guess the question I have to ask myself is am I?

I can talk a good talk as well as anyone. But what about acting upon it? Caring for the orphans has always been on my heart, and lately even more so. It seems God won't quit smacking me on the ear to let me know He's still there. It's as if He is saying "that's all you got Steve? You can't do anything more?" "We'll talk later when you come to my place."

It's the comfort factor. Why step out of my comfort zone? Because I don't want to let go of control. "Religion", as defined by us, is what God hates. The legalistic, fundamentalistic type of religion makes Him sick. In Malachi He gives us good insight to His thoughts on twisted religion. In Matthew Jesus tells us what He thinks of the Pharasitical thought process and lifestyle. We are on this earth for a nano second in the grand scale of eternity, and we will face Jesus at some point. Isn't it about time for us (me) to start living out His desires now.

He also tells us to care for the least of these. Ask yourself what you are doing to care for the least of these? What if you were one of the least of these. What would you want from the so called "Christians" Pray about what you can do. Adopt, support financially to a cause for the needy? Get involved in an outreach program here locally? Pray.

Tomorrow could be too late. James 1:27