Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Who Will You Run To?

I think it so awesome, and am so thankful that Christ loves His kids so unconditionally. Case in point; me. He has an uncanny way of saying " I know you better than you think, and I am watching you right now." (paraphrased of course) The other night I realized my helpless human shell that I am entombed in is just that; helpless without Christ.

I had just had a major discussion (a.k.a. fight) with my wife of 18 yrs. I did not want to talk to her, my friends, and least of all - God! He would just tell me to pull up my boot straps, grow a pair, and figure it out. I didn't want to listen. I actually felt like getting ripped. Going and buying a 12 pack and sitting down by the river, and saying "to hell with the world" for awhile and just get lit up. I was pissed at life in general, using my wife as the catalyst and blaming her. Messed up. Now, I have been a Christian for a long long time, and I have not wanted to get drunk in a very long time. I love a good beer or red wine, but have absolutely no desire to get tipsy or drunk. Nope, not any. Been there, done that. I have to consider myself a little wiser now knowing that throwing up on my floor is not my favorite past time. However; I didn't really care that night. Here's where Dad comes in.

I stormed out of my house with a cloud of anger brewing above my head, and got into my Suburban ready to hit the 7-11 for a short case of whatever. I turned my key and the radio had been left on from earlier. The first words that came out of the radio were; "you decide, who will you run to?" A song by a band called "Fireflight." At first it made me angry that God was there, and then, as angry as I was, I had to chuckle at His timing. Did it make me think? Damn straight it did. It gave me a visual of Jesus on one side and my 12 pack on the other. "You decide, who will you run too?"

I didn't get my beer that night, nor did I have the desire to after that. I opted for a solo viewing of the movie "Inception" at our local movie house. In the days after, I have been thinking of that song and what it means. Some times life sucks. It just does; but we have to decide who (or what) we will run to.

Thanks Dad for caring enough to speak to me through the radio the other night. Love you.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The New Dream Team

Well, I thought I would do my quarterly post for all two of you out there - Bueller...Bueller. I posed a question on Facebook this morning that got me thinking. If Jesus were walking the earth today, and he was choosing the 12 Apostles to change the world, who would he pick?!

First, one's mind would think of great and well known pastors, or maybe an activist leader trying to rid the world of hunger and poverty. Maybe. Would he gather men from one country, or all over the globe? Who would be Judas?

My finite mind would immediately go to people like; Francis Chan. Chan's house may be the first one Jesus stops at. He is such a selfless man, and is like my blog title - "Sold Out" for Christ. I think he'd be a great pick. Maybe someone like Mark Driscoll? He is passionate, articulate, smart, and sometimes has a foot shaped mouth. He would be a perfect Peter. Billy Graham is old, but seasoned well. Dietrich Bonhoffer? Maybe.

What about people like Bono, and his work with the AIDS pandemic? Or Rick Warren from Saddleback. I don't know of many prominent Christian men in other countries, so "my picks" are primarily from the states. Remember; there is a Judas out there too. Any ideas? Careful, your answers may not be PC, but they may be close to the truth. Would he be a political leader perhaps? A famous athlete seemingly on fire for Christ? Hmmm.

Yeah Steve, those are all great names, but Jesus didn't pick high profile speakers, or eloquent men of great stature. He started with some fishermen. These are ordinary people, ordinary Joe's like you and me. He started to pick His apostles where you would least expect it - in the margins of society - places we would never think to look, if we were picking a team to change the world. Smart man that Jesus.

So, how cool would it be to let your mind wander and think that Jesus is walking the earth as your read this, to pick his new "dream team". Just be prepared. If you're just an ordinary Joe with a heart for walking and talking with Jesus, and for saving lost and destitute souls, then maybe, just maybe, you might get a knock on "your" door. He probably won't be wearing a choir robe, or have the 80's hair band look, but he might be wearing flip flops. (especially if he lives in Bend, OR)

So if you listen real hard, I'll bet you can hear the knock.
Question is: will you answer it?