Warrior - King - Savior - Protector
King Jesus. He comes to rescue our mess we call life. He never sleeps. He fights for us without ceasing. He desires to have a relationship with us so much that He willingly laid down His life on the cross. He was humiliated, disgraced, bloodied, and butchered. How much does He love us? He was nailed, stabbed, spit on, struck, and ripped open. How much does He love us? He willingly did this not for the rich or famous or elite, but for the shameful sinner who is worthy of nothing! Especially from the King. Thee King! How much does He love us? Enough to fight for us everyday. This is evident when I see things happen in my life that I can attest to nothing more than the glory of Jesus. He is a warrior, and ultimate fighter that craves a real relationship with his people and will come to their rescue. He is the rock, the steadfast protector! I need to throw aside the world and dance a sweet dance with Him. Come rescue me Jesus.
Watch this, watch all of this and praise Him!