Saturday, February 16, 2008

Get off your butt-Get in the game

Get Offensive!

Are you happy with the church life you lead right now? comfy, not to oppressive, or intrusive? Just kind of a warm fuzzy type of feeling. Is God at a nice safe distance where you can call him if you need Him, but hopefully he won't tell you to do something you don't feel like doing? Or if he does, maybe just ignore him, and maybe he will go away. Or are you ready to get off your butt, and start doing something for Him? Let the Holy Spirit get creative in you. He's been tugging at you forevever now to get out there. Jesus doesn't say "hey, why don't you think about going out and talking to people about me when it's comfortable and in your timing" No! he says one word. He says to "GO" Not think about it, not pray about it, not wait for the right time, but just flat out GO! Are you a light, or a light under a bowl, are you fresh salt or salt that has no flavor? Do you see a homeless man on the corner and hope he gets a meal or a coat that day? That hope means nothing unless you act on it! Faith without deeds aint jack! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. We talk a big story and do nothing. We complain about alot, but do nothing. You can't make a difference if your on the bench. You have to get in the game to make a difference. At what point will you get in the game? There is no yesterday or tommorrow, today is all that counts. If you want to make a difference it's going to messy, get offensive, not comfy! Do you think Jesus was in people's faces! He caused comotion, unrest, and made people squirm and get uncomfortable. If your not uncomfortable, then your probably not doing anything. So fool everyone else on sunday, but dont' think your'e fooling Him. Get in the game! Help an orphan, help a homeless person, help a widow, a friend, someone in need. Something is better than nothing.



about time you started a blog. You need a place to let it out :-) I'll look forward to many more challenges and thoughts!


Okay... so I read this again! I wish everyone at church and JOURNEY to read this!!! Not just read it, but get it! If you have time go to and watch the service from this week. good stuff ;-)

Unknown said...

I take offense to your statement faith without deeds ain't "jack". Other than that, right on, brother!

RKMeredith said...

All to often we sit and wish yet fail to act. Faith without deeds is still faith yet it doesn't portray the real meaning of Christ's love.