Lately I've been intrigued by Jonah. You know the guy that got sucked up by a big fish, then puked back up on the beach. Imagine looking for shells and looking up and seeing that! But really, this is the story about someone who heard what God was saying, and decided to run. He knew loud and clear what God was telling him to do, but wanted absolutely no part of it, so he ran and hid from God. Or so he tried. You can't really "hide" from God. And you can't really tell Him no thank you. He will be heard, and He will have the final say. Jonah came to his senses after three (very long) days in a stinky old fish belly. He probably didn't get a lot of sleep, and had plenty of time to plead with God and realize his lack of obedience. God spared his life, and Jonah went on to Nineveh. A place he hated, and wished God would punish for what it had become, instead of giving them a second chance. The story continues and has Jonah prophesying to the Ninevites, and over 120,000 DO repent!
Are you running from God? Is there something you have flat out told Him No! Let this be a lesson to all of us to listen and heed God when He calls. I doubt we will get swallowed by a big stinky fish, but he could get our attention in many other ways. You can decide what that might be. We are all Jonah-vites, and run from God. Don't we?
What's your Nineveh?