I've been thinking about this for a few days, so I thought I would just write it down. Now some of you may say to this post - Duh - but just here me out, because this is really cool in perspective. Jesus talks many times in the bible about being the light, whether it is in reference to Himself, or us. The cool thing I was thinking about is that darkness can NEVER overtake light. You may say, "sure it can" if you snuff out the light, it becomes dark. Right? True. However; the only reason it becomes dark, is because you have removed the light. What about nightfall when it gets dark? The sun has been removed, that's why it became dark. Not because the darkness of night overpowered the sun.
Walk into a dark room with a flashlight or candle and try to make it so dark that it blots out the light. You can't! But the light will always pierce the darkness. It always wins. Light can certainly overtake the darkness. This is cool to me because as I apply it to Jesus, it tells me that He (being the light) will always win. He will always overtake the darkness, or evil, because He is the light. He is the source of light. One other really cool thing to note: The darker it gets - the brighter your light becomes. I know you heard the light / dark thing as a kid in Sunday School, but hey! It's not rocket science, or some deep theological breakthrough, I just thought it was cool.
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