Monday, May 5, 2008

Jesus Was In The House

I know I just posted about how Journey (at New Hope Church) rocks, but last night takes the cake. It was unbelieveably intense. The worship was spirit led, the message was flat out awesome, and we wrote over 200 names on the prayer "board" last night. It was a total high for me, like I just downed a 32 oz red bull! It really was an electric atmosphere. Journey is such a blessing, and it was just so cool to see the Lord continue to work. Jesus, I pray that you will plant a fire in the hearts of Journey-nation and explode it for your glory!

So be it.



so true!

thanks for your encouragement... and friendship... and fellowship in coffee...

Anonymous said...

Steve, Thanks for you openness, your honesty and the way you live your life for Jesus! You inspire me!


Tom Perry said...

You are 100% correct! Journey was on fire last week and I don't think that you could have been there and not felt the presence of the Holy Spirit!! So awesome. I can't wait for Sunday!